- Please set up your account in the Console and make sure you have a subscription plan. You can always contact us on that matter via hello@inten.to.
- Download Intento Translator and launch the setup process:
3. Click on "Run" read and accept the License Agreement:
4. Save the program to C:\Program Files\Intento Translator
5. Click on Install
6. Once you open the Translator, you will be able to sign in to the Console via login and password combination.
Choose the "Sign in" option if you already have an account and "Sign up" if you are willing to register one:
7. Click on the Gear icon to configure the settings:
8. In the "Translate" tab, you can select the hotkeys to trigger the translation for the chosen language pair, as an example, you can use Сtrl+C+C or change it to any other combination starting with Ctrl+C+F . Or else, you can select not to use any hotkeys for translation and just paste the texts right into the app.
You can also switch automatic copying of translations on/off.
9. To configure the individual notification settings, please visit Windows notification settings and add Intento Translator to the priority list in Focus Assist.
10. The same settings are available for the "Change direction and translate" option. Please make sure to specify different hotkeys in the "Translate" and "Change direction and translate" tabs.
11. Then click on the cross button to go to the translation menu:
12. Choose the provider or specify the routing rules you would like to apply, select the language pair and paste the phrase you would like to translate under the "From" box. If you would like to change the direction of the translation, please click on.
13. Select a text for translation and you will see a popup window after pressing the selected hotkeys:
14. The same text will be copied to the clipboard if you enabled that feature in the settings previously:
15. Here is what Intento Translator for Windows looks like in action:
In case you have any questions left, please don't hesitate to contact us via support@inten.to. We are always pleased to help you! :)