Intento lets you make use of Google glossaries in memoQ with these steps:
First of all, you'd need to set up your account in the Console and make sure you have a production API key
Proceed with the installation of the Intento private or public plugin for the memoQ client and its activation.
Upload a glossary file (csv, tmx, tsv) to your Google Storage and enable glossary via Google API v3 - detailed instruction from Google is here In case you need a hint on the Google service key, please refer to How to get Google service account key section below.
If all steps were taken properly, you would see a list of glossaries in the plugin.
Please note that it is necessary to enable your cloud resource manager to be able to see your models and glossaries in the Intento plugin.
Once everything is set up, you can open the settings of the Intento plugin in memoQ or Trados and click on "Change MT Settings"
Set up Connected Accounts in Intento Console
Right after that, you will be able to enter the name of your billing account, choose the desired model, and glossaries from the dropdown:
How to get Google service account key
In Google, there is no way to view your previously generated key. If you lost the key or it became insecure, you need to replace it by generating a new key.
-Go to
-Choose proper Google account and project
-Check current access rights. You need to have the following rights:
AutoML Predictor
AutoML Viewer
Cloud Translation API User
Cloud Translation API Editor
If you need to add access rights, click on the pencil icon:
-Add the required roles and click SAVE: