We do not just publish nice MT Evaluation Reports, we use them to select the right stock MT engine for every language pair, in real-time.
In the Smart Routing mode, we route your requests to the top-performing MT systems from the most recent evaluation report, with several important differences:
- The requests are routed only to affordable systems (<$25 per 1M characters). If you are ready to pay more than $400 for 1M characters, we need your explicit consent.
- We route only to systems with full data protection and confidentiality. If you want to let someone use your data to improve their models, please do that consciously.
- We route only to stable and reliable commercial systems.
- In some cases, we identified that ranking on private data differs from the ranking for the public WMT dataset in the report. We use those insights.
- For language pairs that are not in the report, we extrapolate.
And one more thing about the Smart Routing! If you need a custom routing schema because the MT engine ranking is different for your domain or because you want to route requests to your custom NMT engines — let us know via hello@inten.to and we’ll help to set it up.
Also, we have domain routing, please find out more about it here.